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Sponsors (GPs)
Who is signing the investment documents (e.g. Shareholders Agreement, Investment Agreement, Convertible Loan Agreement, etc.)?
Who is signing the investment documents (e.g. Shareholders Agreement, Investment Agreement, Convertible Loan Agreement, etc.)?

Sign, Signatory

Ash Eugene avatar
Written by Ash Eugene
Updated over a week ago

If my SPV is structured as a Nano-container (UK Bare Trust):

  • In this case, the deal will be signed by the Trustee (Vauban Nominees Limited)

If my SPV is structured as an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership):

  • The Lead will sign the documents on behalf of the SPV

If my SPV is structured as an Overseas SPV (BVI Limited Partnership):

  • The General Partner will sign the documents

If my SPV is structured as an English LP (English Limited Partnership):

  • The General Partner will sign the documents

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