You submit the setup form on Vauban. This involves sharing the company's legal name, the round terms and the fundraising deck as well as completing the constitution section of the setup. The constitution section allows you to specify how the SPV will operate.
You will need to onboard a Lead and deal partners (if applicable). This step is to determine who will be receiving the carry and to identify the signatory/signatories for the SPV level documentation.
The Syndicate Trust Deed, SPV Services Agreement and bank account opening form will be sent to you for signing.
Once all of the documents have been signed, you can start onboarding investors.
Investors log in (or create an account if they are new to the platform) and confirm how much they are going to invest
Investors sign an Admission Form binding them to the terms of the Trust Deed.
Investors complete and submit their KYC application (including personal information, ID, tax ID number)
Investors send their monies to the SPV's dedicated bank account
You supply the fundraising documents to Vauban, e.g. SAFE or Share Purchase Agreement and Vauban's authorised signatory will sign on behalf of the SPV.
When all the funds are received, Vauban will do a call back with you and then send the funds on to the company
Your investors will be notified that the investment is complete and the deal is closed